Sunday 23 August 2009

Hypochondria & Writers

Interesting piece in the Guardian yesterday about a 'malady' that has struck many creative people down the centuries, that is, hypochondria. Numerous examples are quoted - such as James Boswell, Marcel Proust, Charlotte Bronte, Andy Warhol, and of course, Woody Allen. I suspect the necessary isolation and self-analysis imposed by serious writing in particular, (they should get out more often) is conducive to the development of the condition; although there is a 'chicken and egg' scenario here - that is to say: are people who are attracted to 'creative' writing as an activity predisposed to the condition? It is not something from which this blogger is immune; although I barely want to limit my own occasional feelings of 'unwellness' in such a way. It might just be tempting fate.

Still. it's reassuring to be in such august company, even if one feels a bit of an impostor.

Saturday 22 August 2009

Luc Skyz

Watch out for this rapper. He has great natural talent as a writer and performer. I have known him since he was a lot shorter than his present 6'2".

Back from Summer

Returned today from 12 days in Vilamoura on Portugal's Algarve. It was great to experience real summer weather after that season failed to show up in the British/Irish archipelago. Of course the current showery climate continues in these higher climes.

I've had interesting chats with Ireland-born friends recently about the national identities of their England-born children. I think Nick Laird's piece in the Guardian is quite illuminating in this regard, although he is writing in a slightly different context

Thursday 6 August 2009


Passed the literature degree today [2.1].
What's next?

1. Just write.
2. Start an MA in english in October.
3. Prepare a portfolio for taking an MA in creative writing next year.
4. Do nothing - just watch tv and drink beer.

I continue to work full-time as well, no matter what happens (except in the unlikely event of bidding war for my unwritten novel).

I think 4 is a non-starter - especially as my super-digital-high-definition flat-screen Samsung TV died about 6 months ago and I really can't be bothered with the sheer boredom of dealing with the Argonauts who sold it. I bought my sister a super cheap Matsui or something in Dixons twenty years ago and it's still working perfectly. I do like beer though.

Oh, and I got the 'all-clear' from the doc today. Not a bad day really!

Monday 3 August 2009

Malodourous Murdoch

Appropriate words from the fearless John Pilger in the recent edition of the New Statesman regarding the truly vile Rupert Murdoch.

Literary culture in Britain

Interviewed by the Chicago Tribune, Ulster poet and novelist Nick Laird was asked if he agreed with an American view that "Great Britain offers a more sophisticated literary culture than ours", replied
"Literary culture in Britain is pretty nasty and small. I'd better not say any more than that. America is wider and more accepting. "