Saturday, 6 March 2010

Weather eye out for Weather men

'You don't need a weatherman to say which way the wind blows' Bob Dylan.

Like everyone else round here, I'd forgotten what winter was like. It came back with a jolt this time. Should have known that when the Met Office forecast a 'mild winter' after the 'barbecue summer', we were in for Arctic conditions. After bankers and politicians, they must surely be the most discredited profession. Jerome K Jerome said it one hundred and fifty odd years ago in Three men in a Boat. The weathermen or weather people have undertaken not to make long-term forecasts in future - or at least not to broadcast them. As something of a sailor for yonks, I must say that I 'm not impressed with the accuracy of their short-term ones either, despite the huge investment in so-called 'supercomputers'.

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