Thursday, 21 January 2010

Computers are thick

Don't accept this wanky notion put out by geeks that computers are clever. No they're not: they're dumb. For instance, as I look at the page of this blog now there's an ad for teeth whitening - which may well be gone when you read this. Although now that I've mentioned the words again, the ad might become a fixture. The reason it appeared was because I mentioned the writer Zadie Smith, whose first and most famous - though not her best (that was On Beauty) was White Teeth. So the dumb logic of the system says Zadie Smith - White Teeth - right we need to sell the readers teeth whitening. No they don't. They need to have a link to first novelists or to books or movies with a similar theme as Ms Smith's work. The human brain is just so far ahead of these glorified abacuses in any form of nuance. A lot more interesting too. That's why I'm into humanities and not boring mechanical clunking 'information technology'. Sadly that's where governments want to steer 'education' these days. Rant ends.

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