Thursday, 6 August 2009


Passed the literature degree today [2.1].
What's next?

1. Just write.
2. Start an MA in english in October.
3. Prepare a portfolio for taking an MA in creative writing next year.
4. Do nothing - just watch tv and drink beer.

I continue to work full-time as well, no matter what happens (except in the unlikely event of bidding war for my unwritten novel).

I think 4 is a non-starter - especially as my super-digital-high-definition flat-screen Samsung TV died about 6 months ago and I really can't be bothered with the sheer boredom of dealing with the Argonauts who sold it. I bought my sister a super cheap Matsui or something in Dixons twenty years ago and it's still working perfectly. I do like beer though.

Oh, and I got the 'all-clear' from the doc today. Not a bad day really!

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